Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Tutorial | Second

In our second group tutorial I presented un-edited photographs from my first shoot; of the town + exteriors. After discussing the town and that I'm interested in the history of the town, wanting to show historical context to the photographs it has been suggested that I keep away from the council and housing estates and look into rephotography - how I could use existing photographs and/or text and incorporate it with the photos that I take myself. I think that to gain historical context to my work that it would be a good idea to visit the local bridewell museum that they have and also look at books on the town and possibly surrounding areas. My idea at the moment is looking at the architecture and buildings with how it's a small town where most of the area is older but parts are being modernised, there's a sense that things are gone and new things have been added or been replaced. While it's been suggested to avoid churches, the Abbey could still be interesting to look at at there is parts of it that still exist plus parts have recently been rebuilt which adds to this modernising feel that the town has to it. 

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