Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Second Shoot

For my second shoot I have looked at the Abbey and its surroundings along with the cemetery which resides next to the train station. I took a step back from the subjects, varying the depth of field in these shots. I found that when returning to the Abbey that for the most part the cemetery around it along with a field leading down to a river and a back pathway behind with a few buildings dotted around grabbed my attention the most, though the cemetery was part of the Abbey grounds i didn't fully associate the two things together as one, to me it felt as though with part of the Abbey in ruins, only a small amount remaining then the main surviving building having been revamped, with modern structures added on to replace old features that had been lost over time. On the walk by the river there was old train tracks that didn't look to be used anymore, however there seemed to be repairs happening to them and the surrounding area by the road going over the tracks, this feels to me to fit in with that things from the towns past are being rebuilt/revived, maybe not to modernise the town but to bring more life and people to the place.

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